Nowadays there exist millions of blogs, profiles on social media, and newsletters. Why should you follow another blog? 

I’m Simone Torrente, a 26yo from Italy. I’m passionate about product management and the digital world. I founded a startup when I was 19 and I found out that it was more complicated than I thought to become a unicorn* (*a startup valued $1billion).


What I will write about?

I will write about digital project management, productivity, informatics, stoicism, startup, strategy and innovation (you’ll see how these topics are related).

This blog will be full of my notes on books and courses I’ve followed during these years, including my notes on the university master degree in IT Management (International University of Applied Science).

I’ll teach you everything I know and everything I learn about project management.

This is my first time managing a blog and I hope you’ll find it useful!

I don’t want to lie: I’m not yet an expert on these topics above. I’m not a professor, I never had a TedX talk and I didn’t write a book.

But I like to learn new things and I like to share my notes with others.

Even though I currently work as an IT consultant for a company, I’m still a student (like many of you) and I want to share my journey with you.

But I’m not altruistic: even though my friends say that I’m a good guy I don’t write these posts just to help other people improve their careers and their personal life.

Yes, that’s a big plus, but at first I do it to push myself to study harder (and to practice my English). In fact, a “secret” technique to learn a topic faster is to explain that topic to someone else.

Then I will be happy if you want to share with me your knowledge (through your comments or posts).

I hope you liked this short presentation of the blog and I invite you to read other articles!

Thank you for your time!



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